Tag Archives: tattoo

the devil’s in the details

There comes a time when you can no longer rely on who you were, who you are perceived to be. There comes a day when your true self is realized and the need to fit in, to blend is removed. I have seen that day a few times, then the urge to be what society deems appropriate reared its ugly head and I submit.

I will no longer be submitting. I am who I am and that is all. I will no longer be conforming to your perfect model. I will be a mother with tattoos, a student over the age of 30 who acts like a woman over the age of 30. I will aspire to be the size and shape that makes me comfortable, not one that makes YOU comfortable. I encourage my children to be who they are, crazy and whacked out or studious and athletic, I don’t care so long as they are happy.

I am who I am and I have had the ability to discern fake from true for quite some time now. Just because you think you do a great job being fake does not mean you succeed in pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes. I have run into many problems in my day over revealing one’s fakeness. I must hone my skills and have the ability to call someone out in a better way than what I have previously done. I wonder if there is a class for that?

I will not subject myself to your shenanigans any longer. Be fake. Be unfair and unjust. Be holier than tho. Just don’t subject me or the ones I love to your blatant disregard.

Reality gives me peace.