Tag Archives: popular

unemployment brings me peace

Wow. I have not been unemployed since … um never.

No longer working for the casino allows me to say what I really feel, no longer worried about who I may offend. To all those “company men,” do you have comfort now that you see how disposable you are? Does your ignorance help you sleep at night? Thanks to the two people who could have stood next to me, you know who you are, you chose to be mute. You too are disposable. I have already tossed you aside. I no longer am silenced, I may unleash the beast and not worry about sitting at the popular table. I AM the popular table, whether alone or surrounded by true friends, I AM better than you.

To all those backstabbers who will not get the pleasure of ever reading this because you are too immersed in smut television to actually read something, go fuck yourself. I will no longer have to work with you and pretend to respect you. Your kids are losers. Your spouse is a fool. You look like a beast. You act like a tool. I am disgusted that there are people like this that exist. Casino people. Don’t get me wrong, not everyone who works at the casino falls into this category. I have made some great friends there. Please don’t take offense, for my true friends know who they are.

The casino is full of “used to be” and “had beens.” I am nobody’s yesterday and I refuse to lift myself up by surrounding myself with fellow ass kissers and back stabbers, stepping on co-workers to look better to who??? Cashiering Operations??? What a joke, you’re a joke.

Am I bitter? It may appear so, but no. I am just being me, honest. My honesty was stifled for fear of retaliation or hurting feelings. I am freed from those chains. I no longer have to walk on eggshells. I can be free. I can be me. Being fake did not wear well on me, it exhausted me, drained me of my peace.

Unemployment brings me peace.